-40C to +40C Exploration under extreme weather

By Stratis Kas

Cave Diving,

My name is Stratis Kas and I am a Exploratory and Adventure Film maker. My origins are from Crete, Greece and the mountains of Piemonte, Italy. Both places where I was blessed with amazing nature that hooked me in a very early stage of my life. I have travelled the world while pursuing light (and happiness) for more than 20 years.
The human race has an amazing adaptability to weather. Even in extreme weather. Very few species can survive, thrive and progress in this wide range of temperatures. Of course, unlike anything else, we have succeeded to tame these extreme weather, either by covering up or managingwhatwe call nowadays, “climate control”.
As explorers, or simply adventurers, weather is almost always a parameter that we need to deal with. Mostly by the fact that the last (relatively) unexplored places tend to be in more hostile weather-wise locations and because we may have to minimize or often even eliminate our ability to tame weather, in order to make logistics possible and stay in budget.
Finally, as film makers goes, this is a whole new chapter. Filming has become much easier due to technology, but eventually light is still key. It’s what make a simple image or footage, well, epic. Light is more or less predictable, when it comes to pre-production meetings and planning in general. But plan snot always are kept. This has nothing to do with the team’s professionalism or experience level. Simply as far as filming goes, as mentioned before, we can only “predict” weather, so we can only predict light as well.
In this presentation we will discuss the initial logistics for weather and location issues in general when filming in extreme locations. What we (and even you eventually) expect, how we prepare and mostly how to deal with what we did not expect. How what we did not anticipate could
Become our best asset when filming adventurers. How to do your research and how to prepare for anything. How to stay safe when pushing human and filming limits, and how to know when to say
“stop” or “next time”. Finally how to expect to get everything planned and learn to be happy with half of that as a result.